
วันจันทร์ที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

In class: Group work

Pronunciation Teaching
          Pronunciation teaching is very important for studying English because student have to speak and converse by using pronunciation skill and learn pronounce correctly. Teacher is a good pattern for practicing pronunciation. So, my group would like to teach “Pronunciation Teaching”. There are detail that            
Meaning of pronunciation teaching
Pronunciation makes for an easily intelligible flow of speech, including segmental articulation, rhythm, intonation and phrasing.
               Teaching pronunciation is also psychological factors that affect the learning of pronunciation.
Principle of teaching pronunciation
* having a suitable curriculum
          * being student-centred
          * helping learners become self-reliant
          * giving opportunities to practice
          * knowing what’s best
           Teaching pronunciation by the Prosody Pyramid
The base of the system is the thought group. This is a group of words that may be a short sentence, a clause, or a phrase within a longer sentence.

Thought  Groups
      There are several prosodic signals:
     (a) A pause
     (b) A drop in pitch
     (c) Lengthening of the last stressed syllable
     Prosodic Markers for Thought Groups


Stress and the Peak Syllable
             PHO to graph                                                          
               pho TO grapher                 
             pho to GRA phic
Vowel Sounds and Vowel Let
               mat/ mate

Stress and Vowel Length

1. Have students say the words below while stretching a rubber band wide when saying the stressed syllable.

                        Canada            umbrella            sandwich

2. Practice of stress by hand raising, head raising, eyebrow raising  or rising from the chair.

3. This type of exercise mimics the actual effect of a stress error. In pairs, Student A asks question (a) or (b). Student B answers.

                      Question                                Answer
             a. What’s in the dessert?                 Sugar.
             b. What’s in the desert?                   Sand.

Vowel Rules

1. Have students listen to sets of three words and identify which word is different. For instance, use the following set of words:
   A. made            B. made            C. mad
       2. Give students a list of word pairs
               ( note/not, rate/rat, etc.)
       3. Students are given pairs of sentences
            (“What does made mean?”/“What does mad   mean?”).
       4. Have students work with a partner. Student A chooses one of the questions from a pair like the ones below.            
                  a. What does made mean?”      The past of make.
                 b. What does mad mean?          Angry.

1. Teaching pronunciation can help students improve the listening comprehension.
          2. Teaching pronunciation is helpful to speak English as well as the native speakers or own language.

